
About Goa Police Hackathon

Cyber Crime of Goa Police recently signed MoUs with several colleges from Goa and one of the associations they have been working on has been building solutions that can help the department simplify the workflow. This was made possible by having Goa Poilice Hackathon. Recently I had an opportunity to be one of the Jury for the Goa Police Hackathon organized by the Cyber Crime of Goa Police in association with the Goa Engineering College. The solution theme was to help the Beat officers of Goa in the collection of data and information during the site visits. Roughly 300+ Beat officers from Goa travel each day on the field, collecting the data.

Experience at the Goa Police Hackathon

As a jury member for the police hackathon, I had the incredible opportunity to witness firsthand the innovative ideas and solutions presented by talented students of Goa Engineering College at the Goa Police Hackathon. The experience was both exciting and enlightening as I had the privilege of evaluating a wide range of creative projects aimed at addressing challenges faced by law enforcement.

The dedication and passion displayed by the participants were truly inspiring, as they showcased their technical skills and problem-solving abilities to develop cutting-edge solutions. With several No-code and low-code platforms, it has indeed been easy for developers to build solutions that can help the Govt officials. What was exciting to see was the majority of the students focused on the design of the web and mobile apps. 90% of the solutions built were mobile-first and a few were having backend controllers to manage the reporting.

From predictive crime analytics to data reporting platforms, the ideas presented at the Goa Police Hackathon were not only impactful but also reflected a deep understanding of the complex issues faced by law enforcement agencies. It was truly heartening to witness the potential for technology to positively transform the field of policing. As a jury member, I thoroughly enjoyed engaging with the participants, discussing their ideas, and appreciating their hard work. The experience left me with a renewed sense of optimism and a belief in the power of innovation to make our communities safer and more connected.



One with Nidhin Vaslan Sir - North GOa SP
One with Nidhin Vaslan Sir – North Goa SP at the Goa Police Hackathon


It was an Honor to share the Jury space along with the SP of North Goa Shri. Nidhin Valsan sir and had the privilege to discuss the implementation of these ideas at the department. Not often you stumbled upon officials who are well-versed with implementation and key focus on the process. We discussed how the hackathon products can be further nurtured to be taken to the next level.

By Prajyot Mainkar

💫 Professional problem solver. 👔 Entrepreneur. 🔥 Unapologetic creator. 🥳 Lifelong thinker. Proud food advocate. 🏝️ Travel geek. ☕ Ex-Coffee Addict Fondly known as the Android Man of Goa

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